Friday, May 6, 2011


亲爱de mummy...Happy Mother Day!!!

first time writing this for u and baba...haha...a bit paiseh and dun know what to write...but pls dun expect that i will write..."妈咪。。。谢谢你养大我。。。我会好好孝顺你的。。。" with the very 肉紧的表情...oh my god...this is not me pls accept the cool cool but cute daughter ya...^^

still remember the first time i called u "mummy"??? haha...i can predict what u answer me jor: "dun ask me whether i still remember or not...why always asked me the past tense questions???" must be this question rite??? ^^ matter whether u still remember or not...u are still my perfect mummy...^^

u act as the light when i was lost in the dark...u act as the teacher that guide me on every way i go through...u act as the super woman in my life...u act as the super woman in our mind...u play an important role to me as u are my mum...u teach me the moral...u guide me on everything that i confuse on...u really play ur good role...haha...nana...dun cry cry ya...i will not provide tissues de ah...^^

hope that u will always happy and cheerful and continue to be the 黄脸婆。。。啊啊。。。sry 美美的妈咪 to us...haha...

cheers for the Happy Mother Day...

PS: sry for not finding any video for u...mayb i will act for u...wan to have a look on it??? hahahahahahahahahaha

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